Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Health Tips

Tip 1: Drink up!

Staying well hydrated not only promotes healthy functions of the body but it assists in fat loss too! Water is essential in the breakdown of fat into energy and also reduces appetite when we are craving for food. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

Tip 2:Eat small meals frequently.
It is proven from research that eating small meals frequently will promote increase of body metabolism more efficiently therefore increasing our daily calorie burn. Burning more calories equals losing more fat.

Tip 3:Hit the hay stack.
Sufficient rest is crucial for exercise recovery and muscle growth. Lack of sleep only undermines the hard work that one puts into their rigorous exercise. When we sleep, our muscles recover therefore promoting improvements to the body, no matter what our fitness goals are. Try sleeping a minimum of 7 hours daily.

Tip 4:Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for health and fat loss.
They provide all the essential vitamins and minerals our body needs for healthy bodily functions. Fibers in fruits and vegetables also assist in our bowel functions and absorb excess fat in our digestive system. Go for a variety of 3 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables daily.

Tip 5:Great grains.
As recommended by doctors and nutritionists, our diet should consist 60% of carbohydrates. Slow digesting carbohydrates such as grains, pasta and even yam promote sustained energy levels and aids fat loss while fast burning carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread and high sugary pastries rapidly shoots up our blood sugar levels and thus promoting fat storage.

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